From Abolitionists to Social Justice Warriors by Henry Mantel
" Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, a man got fucked. Now how is that for a story? 'Cause that's the story of black people, IN AMERICA!" -Anansi the Spider Under the institution of slavery , black people were property. They had none of the "inalienable rights" laid out in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Countless innocent people were killed, ripped away from their families, forced to endure unimaginable pain and humiliation, all because white America did not consider them to be people. Slavery was the greatest injustice ever perpetuated in American history, enforced by every branch of the United States' government. Even before the Declaration of Independence was signed, there were abolitionists . The abolitionists sought to end the horror of slavery through various means . William Lloyd Garrison, supported by free African-Americans in Boston, printed an anti-slavery newspaper, the Liberator. "Conductors,...